Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) is a front-end to iptables. One of its features are "application profiles" which are INI-style files that contain profile names and ufw settings. This allows packages to include their own firewall settings and make them available to ufw when installed.
Using profiles is relatively easy. To see what profiles are on your system, go to a terminal and enter "ufw app list" to see the names. The profiles are located in the directory "/etc/ufw/applications.d" and the names referenced are the "[section names]" in the files. Note that ufw also references the services list in "/etc/services" for rules. If a section name conflicts with an entry in the services file then the latter takes priority (and ufw warns you every time you use it).
There doesn't seem to be any documentation on the file format and the example files mentioned in the docs don't exist on my Karmic or Lucid systems but the existing files for OpenSSH server and Apache are good examples to determine it from:
[section name] (The identifier that ufw references)
title= (shown in "ufw status")
description= (doesn't seem to be used anywhere)
ports= (the port list)
This is the profile for OpenSSH server:
title=Secure shell server, an rshd replacement
description=OpenSSH is a free implementation of the Secure Shell protocol.
Multiple protocols are specified as "80/udp|80/tcp" with a vertical bar separating them. If just "80" was specified then both udp and tcp are assumed. The port can be a comma delimited list (80,443) or a range with a colon (81:82) or combined (80,443,81:82/udp|8080/tpc). If a range is specified then a separate entry for each protocol is required (81:82/udp|81:82/tcp).
I've been working on a Ubuntu 10.04 deployment configuration for my clients and one of my requirements is a user-friendly firewall for mobile users. While ufw is a command-line application GUIs do exist. Gufw is rather basic and doesn't support application profiles. My clients don't know much about network protocols but they can pick an application by name out from a list. It does list some applications but they seem to be hard-coded. Another GUI is ufw-frontends (ufw-gtk) which does support them. My only complaint with it is that when a profile is used there isn't any way to see what ports it affects - all you see is the profile name. In many cases the title and description are more informative than the profile/section name so I hope the tool shows them in future revisions.
With my deployment configuration selecting the firewall GUI was the easy problem. The hard one was the profiles themselves. Application profiles are easy to make but few packages include them. Many of my clients are gamers and most of the best games have online multi-player capability. This isn't just a Linux problem as all of them want to play games on Wine also. Most of these games are client/server and they need ports unblocked when hosting a private server. The profiles are easy to write but finding out which ports need to be forwarded can be very frustrating. Many gamer-oriented web sites provide aggregated ports lists but most of these are unverified and usually specify way more ports and protocols than are necessary. Developer sites either don't list them or list them without specifying the protocols (TCP/UDP or both) or traffic direction. With home users generally you only care about incoming connections to the server - not outgoing. Since most of the ports used are unofficial and not controlled by IANA many games have port collisions with other games, often because they are based on the same engine (like those from id Software and Epic Games) or the use the same API (DirectX/DirectPlay and GameSpy Arcade). It's very rare that you find an list as accurate or concise as that of Novalogic. Several open-source applications only document their ports the old-fashioned way - in the source code. With some I had to install them and use "netstat -nap" to figure out what was used (which sometimes conflicted with the documentation). Another complication is that several games, like Quake 3, require a different port to be opened for every simultaneous client.
I couldn't really avoid the task so I spent several days writing profiles. You can download them all from here. These are intended to be used as incoming exceptions to a "deny all" rule. Just extract and copy them to "/etc/ufw/applications.d" with root ownership and rw-r-r (644) permissions. Start ufw-frontends and click the "Add Rule" button. In the Destination/Port section select the Application radio button and choose the profile from the list. For applications like Quake 3 that have many possible port configurations I created a few different ones which should cover most situations. Unfortunately the ambiguous profile names in some files are going to be confusing. On a few I tried to make them more readable but fixing ufw-frontends so that it shows the title would be a better solution. Unavoidably there are several duplicates and overlaps with other applications which shouldn't harm anything unless the conflicting servers are both operating at the same time. Many servers can be configured with alternate ports but my profiles only specify the common defaults.
Both ufw and ufw-frontends have limitations that I hope will be addressed in the future. Support for port triggers, dynamic configuration based on the network connection, or just warning when profile port ranges overlap would be helpful. If you add all my profiles to ufw the first thing you will notice with ufw-frontends is that it doesn't handle large numbers of profiles well. To help address the problem I've added a new parameter to the profile file format that hopefully ufw and ufw-frontends can utilize in the future. This is easy to do because INI files don't have much of a standard and ufw ignores everything other than the original ones. The parameter I added is "categories" for classifying profiles. This will allow users of ufw and related GUIs to quickly filter large profile lists. I put in a wishlist bug report about it for ufw. I didn't want to bother creating my own standard from scratch so I used the freedesktop.org menu spec categories since they're already used for organizing desktop menus. I had to break the standard a bit by mixing main categories, usually "Network" with "Game", but this shouldn't be a problem.
The second parameter I added was "reference". This was due to the ridiculous amount of research I had to go through in finding port numbers for each application. Multiple "reference" parameters can exist for each profile, each listing a one-line item. The references indicate the basis for the profile configuration, like "netstat -nap|grep python", to indicate how the port was determined. Mostly these are web site references with a link specified in [URL label] wiki format.
Obviously there are many more servers and daemons to add but generic ones like DirectX, GameSpy, and GGZ Gaming Zone cover many. This brings up a possible optimization - a "meta" or "prerequisite" parameter. Because a lot of games share the same ports due to underlying common code, it would be simpler to define a profile that simply links to other profiles to specify ports. This way a profile could be specified for every individual program but not add a lot of duplicate rules to keep track of.
I only encountered one problem with ufw's profile implementation. It happened when I created a profile for 0verkill. Apparently ufw doesn't allow section names to begin with a digit but I can't imagine why this limitation would exist. Besides that and the way ufw-frontends handles huge profile lists this firewall configuration works well. I don't know if all of the profiles are correct as I didn't have time to test everything. Some may open more ports than a game or application requires and some may not open enough. Feedback is welcome.
Note: The NFS profile (nfs-kernel-server) requires static port mapping. The references in the file will lead you to articles on how to configure NFS this way but I changed the common 4000:4003 ports to 4194:4197 as these aren't in Wikipedia's list or used by anything I could find with Google. There may be a Netfilter module that handles the NFS random port usage better as one exists for saned (nf_conntrack_sane) but I'm unaware of one.
Update: I updated the profiles package to v1.1 which includes a bunch more Linux games and some corrections. NFS profiles have been split into three different files representing the common address ranges. Using static ports for NFS is kind of a hack and I reported bug 688446 about possible solutions.
Update: I released v1.2 of the profiles which made some changes to http due to bug #694894 (which is mostly the fault of Debian and IANA). I also added another parameter, "modules", which specifies the connection tracking module (nf_conntrack) for some protocols. Currently in ufw-gtk some of these can be enabled under "Edit > Preferences > IPT Modules". Having a separate dialog for them doesn't make a lot of sense as they are specific to a particular protocol and you usually need them enabled. The modules act similarly to "port triggering" but are more intelligent as they understand the handshakes of their respective protocols and can identify which additional ports have been negotiated between server and client. I also found out that with NFS v4.1 that the dynamic port problems are being eliminated.
Update: I released v1.3 of the profiles. This is a minor release that only adds Skype, toribash, and webcam-server. The download link has been updated.